Anyone in the fortunate position to buy or have bought a house will understand it's not easy. First of all there's saving for a mortgage, which can take years depending on your individual circumstances. It can be a real struggle, but that's all part of the test - to see how much you want your own place. Once you've saved all your pennies for a mortgage, you're then ready for the next step. Now, I'm not here to give advice, I'll leave that to the people who can help you. I'm here to say I've dipped my toes in the water and it's a bleak outlook.

Why can't buying a house be as easy as buying a TV? I like that one, here's my money, no problem, here's your new TV, thanks for this nice new TV, I think I will watch it tonight. I am now watching my new TV, yay. Instead, buying a house opens up a whole new world of pain. I like that one, here's my money, that's not enough money, we want more money, we don't have anymore money, then the house is not yours, oh ok. We then enter into bidding wars until our opposition (or ourselves) buckle. We expect more stuff to happen soon x